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Privacy and Security
Amante Jewellery does not disclose personal information about any of its customers to any unrelated third party businesses. We do not sell, rent, lease, loan, trade or otherwise divulge the addresses on our lists to unrelated third parties or any unauthorised personnel.
Information may be disclosed to authorised government and legal authorities, and authorised contractors conducting business on behalf of Amante Jewellery and its customers.
Amante Jewellery takes privacy very seriously, and only uses ecommerce and internet products endorsed or recommended by the major banking and technology sector organisations. Furthermore, it follows industry recommended best practice procedures, continually upgrades, and improves the methods used on this website.
Collecting Information
Personal information, such as your name and e-mail address, is collected only to record and process your order, and, if you chose to join the Amante Newsletter, to keep you informed of new product releases and events at Amante jewellery.
Information about IP addresses, web browsers, and computer operating systems are automatically transmitted to web servers as an integral part of the operation of the internet. This information is used for demographic purposes as a technical resource to better serve web site users. Data is analysed for trends and statistics, and then discarded. Our Web site logs are not personally identifiable and we do not attempt to link them with the individuals that actually browsed the site. For security purposes, network management and to improve our service, we use software and third party services to monitor network traffic, detect unauthorised and malicious access of the site, and determine the effectiveness of our site structure.
Online Transactions
If you place orders on this site, information including your credit card number and contact information is of necessity collected. This information is used solely to record and fulfil your order. Credit card details are not stored on this website. Transactions are processed through the national merchant gateway authorised by the four major Australian banks.
Personal information provided to the Amante Jewellery Online Shop is encoded using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology, a powerful encryption protocol that protects data as it travels over the Internet. Credit card transactions are processed using the secure EFTPOS network. For enhanced security, we recommend using the latest Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Internet Explorer browsers, which enable SSL. Make sure to set your browser's preferences to accept cookies and enable JavaScript.
Our online store uses 'cookies' to store information on the items you place in your shopping cart, and facilitate the online shopping process. Cookies are also used to provide a more efficient and dynamic service to regular customers.
Email Lists
Visitors can request to join a mailing list by completing a form on this site. We maintain this list of Amante Jewellery Members to inform them of new information on this Web site. We do not sell, rent, lease, loan, trade or otherwise divulge the addresses on our lists to third parties or any unauthorised personnel.
Spam Act 2003
Amante Jewellery complies with the Spam Act 2003 and best practice guidelines in relation to the contents of its commercial electronic messages. Amante Jewellery only sends e-mail advertising with each addressee's consent, includes its address and contact details in every e-mail promotion, and ensures the inclusion of a functional unsubscribe facility.

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